Vancouver Island University - Bachelor of Fine Arts, Psychology Minor
Within, Together. December 2024, Lobe, Vancouver. (4DSOUND Composition/Performance)
As We Are. October 2024, Centre PHI, Montreal. (Immersive Sound Composition)
Dove Magic Virtual Environment. Febuary 2024, Styly.cc, Vancouver. (Digital Release, Composition)
Echoes of an Earthly Body. December 2023, Left of Main, Vancouver. (Collaborative Performance)
Celestial Sound Bath. May 2020- October 2023, Werklab, Vancouver. (Solo Singing Bowl Offering)
Den: A Place for Breathing and Rest. October 2023, Lobe, Vancouver. (4DSOUND Composition)
Hello Aura//Sound Bath Portraits. February 2023, City Centre Artist Lodge, Vancouver. (Collaborative Experience)
XR Open Sharing- Audience in Residence. March 2023, New Works, Vancouver. (XR Performance Feedback)
Multi-Healer Sound Bath. August 2022, Vancouver Rose Garden, Vancouver. (Collaborative Experience)
MA. May 2022, The Millennium, Vancouver. (Collaborative Butoh Performance)
Tender Hearts. July 2021, Werklab, Vancouver. (Kids Sound Bath Offering)
Connection Club. June 2021, Vancouver. (Psychedelic Sound Bath Offering)
The Same River Twice. April 2021, Hotham Sound Recordings, Vancouver. (Collaborative Composition)
Addressing The Cosmic Unfolding: An Exploration of Canadian Ambient and Experimental Musics. September 2020, Nanaimo (Composition)
Sound Bath. July 2020, Vancouver Rose Garden, Vancouver. (Solo Performance)
City of Vancouver in Dramamine 19. Various Artists Sound Collage. June 2020, Vancouver. (Composition)
Resonant Practices in Communities of Sound. SpokenWeb Symposium. May 2019, SFU Goldcorp Centre for the Arts, Vancouver. (Performance)
Digital Sanctuary. Showcase for Cyber Harm Reduction. May 2019, The Pace, Vancouver. (Group Show, Performance)
Dove Magic with Lori Goldstone. June 2019, Toast Collective, Vancouver. (Performance)
Dove Magic Digital Album Release. November 2018, Vancouver.
Makers in Action. October 2018, Salt Spring Island Ceramics, Salt Spring Island. (Group Show, Sculpture)
Fuse: Object Lessons. November 2018, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver. (Group Show, Performance)
Special Art Void. July 2018 The Vault, Nanaimo. (Solo, Fine Art, Performance)
Transmutation. June 2018, The White Room, Nanaimo. (Solo, Fine Art, Performance)
Archipelago. April 2018, View Gallery, Nanaimo. (Group Show, Fine Art)
To Hack The Ether. August 2016, The Aviary, Vancouver. (Group Show, Performance)
Experiments in Truth. November 2015, Visual Space, Vancouver. (Group Show Fine Art)
Have A hArt. July 2012, The Lions Den, Vancouver. (Group Show, Fine Art)
Space Is Place. April 2009, &Loan, Nanaimo. (Solo Show, Fine Art)
First Sight. May 2007, Nanaimo Art Gallery, Nanaimo. (Group Show, Fine Art)
Imperious. April 2006, View Gallery, Nanaimo. (Group Show, Fine Art)
Progressions. April 2004, Malaspina, Nanaimo. (Group Show, Fine Art)